
Sample Classes

GIS offers a wide variety of courses with small class sizes across many disciplines. Our dedicated faculty provide in-depth learning experiences that include lectures, discussions, and other practical skill-building activities. Such interactive approaches are not isolated to the classroom. In response to the COVID-19 crisis we moved all our courses online, and the professors at GIS developed various approaches to maintain the same high standard of education and provide engaging and informative classes for our students.

Below is a small sample of both the diversity of course content and teaching styles you can find at GIS. These are all 100-level and 200-level classes aimed at introducing our freshmen and sophomores into the complexities surrounding each area, and some of the issues they will be dealing with during the semester. 

Digital Writing and Publication

This introductory lecture video contains a historical overview of digital content creation and highlights the ways in which it is different to more traditional forms of text. The course is a mix of theory and practical application, with a focus on the analysis and production of writing for digital spaces. Students also learn industry-standard practices, such as identifying an audience and writing to a specific style guide.

Course syllabus 

Introduction to Tourism Studies

This is an introduction to the 100-level Introduction to Tourism Studies course. In this video you will learn about the course content, the teaching approach and several issues the course will consider, including how tourism impacts economically, environmentally and socio-culturally on destinations – both positively & negatively.

Course syllabus 

Introduction to Sociology

This video introduces a 100-level course, Introduction to Sociology. Sociology as a field is devoted to understanding society. Sociology goes beyond and looks critically at “common sense”—the ideas that most people consider true and take for granted—to unravel the social processes that produce “society.” In understanding society, we also acquire an understanding of ourselves in the context of society.

Course syllabus 

Manga Studies

This video provides an introduction to the 100-level Manga Studies course with a brief outline of some of the central topics and themes covered during the semester. In this course, students will explore how manga operates as a type of media, examining manga from a variety of different perspectives, including its modes of reading/viewing, business, aesthetics, and history while considering its place in Japanese society and abroad.

Course syllabus 

Introduction to Second Language Education Seminar

Area: Education
Professor: Machiko Kobori
Current enrolment (2020 AY): 16 students
Related courses: TESOL~, English Teaching in Primary School, Comparative Education.

Content & Approach

This seminar is for students who want to explore effective teaching and learning by providing insight into the educational theory and lesson planning for educators, as well as education-specific skills within the context of second language (L2) education. Much attention is paid to examining, reflecting on, and discussing significant aspects and factors of successful L2 teaching and learning. This is in order to encourage students to consider how they can contribute to learner achievements, and what it means for them to get involved in L2 education within the context of professional development.

Having taken previous classes on similar topics, students entering the seminar will already be familiar with the major studies on L2 education and the related concepts of L2 teaching and learning experiences which vary by learner and teacher variables (such as ethnic backgrounds, ages, working conditions, etc.). They are also expected to know how to establish rapport/mutual understandings in their own seminar community through presentation, discussion, and other active learning activities and tasks. Students taking this seminar will have already been acquainted with such in-class activities based on their acquiring different perspectives in an interdisciplinary way from other courses in our curriculum (e.g. psychology, sociology, international relations, and business management).

Special Project
  1. Junior students are mainly required to focus on finding their research topic.
  2. Senior students are required to plan their research project and conduct it based on their related activities in the previous year, and to present it through a presentation and research paper. Example research topics: Primary English and L2 motivation, Demotivation and L2 teaching, The usage of L1 and L2 learning, etc. (Please check our URL: Communication Magazine Hosei)
  3. We have been managing our own language courses/lessons in educational organisations: annual English summer class in a primary school in suburban Tokyo, English classes in primary schools in Taiwan, etc. (please visit our HP if you are interested in our current activity to teach English online through our English course: Homepage)
Additional Information
  • We will continue our English programme over the summer and fall semester of 2020 and beyond.
  • We would like to create more video clips to learn English through various sports for our English courses. (Please check the related URLs in our HP: where we introduce ‘Yoga’)
  • We would like to visit different educational organisations to hold our English classes, especially in primary schools. (Visiting classes abroad is unfortunately postponed for the moment.)
Introduction to Tourism Management Seminar

Area: Management Sciences Subject Stream
Professor: Dr John Melvin
Current enrolment (2020 AY): 23 students
Related courses: Introduction to Tourism Studies, Tourism Development in Japan, Event Management, Introduction to Business, Principles of Marketing, Marketing in Japan & Marketing Management.

Content & Approach

Using the lens of sustainability this seminar considers tourism from a variety of perspectives. Using knowledge acquired from other courses, students learn and apply theories to a range of different destinations. While there is a strong focus on marketing and management, the interdisciplinary nature of our curriculum really helps students, as they can apply knowledge and content acquired from other courses (e.g. psychology, sociology and international relations).

In the spring semester students acquired an in-depth understanding of various issues related to marketing (e.g. destination marketing approaches and the concept of customer value), destination management (e.g. community-based tourism, stakeholder management and disaster management/response). This is in the form of ‘Current Readings’, where we discuss topical issues relating to various aspects of tourism, and ‘Core Readings’, which focus on in-depth analysis of academic articles. Students take an active role in selecting relevant articles, delivering an introductory presentation and then leading group discussions. All this takes place in a warm and supportive atmosphere, with students encouraged to help and support each other, and provide constructive feedback.

Special Project

When learning about different aspects of tourism from a very wide range of cases and contexts, students are continually looking for an area that they would like to focus on for their own research project. Senior students should conduct their own primary research on a topic of their choice. After collecting and analysing their data, they will deliver a presentation and write an extended essay on their findings.
Example research topics: LGBTQ tourism, anime-based tourism, event-based tourism

Additional Information

Although our seminar trip has been disrupted this year due to the coronavirus, we are hoping to work with the Tokyo-based NPO the ‘Most Beautiful Villages in Japan’ over the summer and our fall semester.